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Published on November 5, 2005 By Community AT Work In Business
Nearly half of all fatal work injuries occurred among workers who drive or move material around for a living. Truck drivers, forklift operators, trash collectors, and cabbies are all part of this group.

Sad but true.

Currently I am working at a place where I move material around... allot of it. I can attest to the fact that injuries happen just doing your job.

One person I know missed about 2 months work because of a hurt back. No boxes fell on her or anything, just the fact that you have to use you body to move stuff tends to mean that something can give.

I don't know if she is coming back or not... I spoke to her once in like 3 months.

Well, i just hope I can work here for another 2 year. They pay for school so I can get my second degree (because obviously my first one isn't doing much for me) and have other benifit that are good. So I am hoping for 2 things. One is to not get too hur during thee 2 years and 2 is that I get a second job working for the city.

I thought about being a teacher (substitute) but I felt like I didn't have the patience and I also felt I had nothing to offer. I might give it a shot anyway in January or February but I don't know.

All I know is that these next 2 years are going to be the hardest on my mind and on my body until I get a job that pays me like I have an education.

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