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It would seem that the court will have more power over whether you can get it or not. It will be harder to get, you BETTER not make a mistake on the filing, and you miht not be able to get a chapter 7 and just get a chapter 13.

Costs for filing are going to go up and you will HAVE TO have a lawyer look over your work.

Once again, the people who abuse the system ge punished and take a whole bunch of others with them. If your in the debt hell area, how are you affording a 1500 dollar filing?

Just don't get into debt i guess... to bad this country is run on debt (not that it a bad thing) so saying just don't get into debt is the equivlant of 'just say No to drugs'.

I like some of the changes, but many went overboard. What is funny is that it passed with all these provisions in them. If one ever has to do this, they can find themselves worst off than before instead of just nuetral.

File and make a mistake and now your chances of geting it the second time around is lower? What if your lawyer made the mistake? Sue them? How much does that cost?

I just think that this puts more families at risk then it helps to reduce bnkruptcy filings. Its like arresting 1000 people so you can make sure you got the 100 or so criminals.

on Oct 14, 2005
No, it did not. You can say on April 20th it got harder, or on October 17th. The law is set to take effect 180 days after it was signed (4/20). That is 10/17.

And it did not get harder really, just longer. And the instigators of this law? The CC companies? They got the elevator, but no car!