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Using Social Technology For Job Search
Published on September 17, 2005 By
Community AT Work
Blog Communities
Well, I spoke to the owners of JoeUser and it looks like something can be worked out.
This will be a very interesting concept if I can get it out the door. Its taking me way longer than I ever thought it would take to create this website and the business model behind it.
So far, I have yet to see a website do anything like what i am trying to do. I think that is sad considering all the technology that is out right now. With more development money and a few more hands, you could get this out the door in a matter of months instead of years.
Using technology like Blog Navigator and storing web pages on your hard drive, desktop search (of which will search the web pages as well), RSS, and social networking technology like blogging, link sharing, RSS feed sharing, online stored web pages (Yahoo My Web2.0), message forums and IM services, you have a system of storing data and information as well as accumulated knowledge that comes from the data and information.
Knowledge base systems are not new, and neither are social networking systems (look at what happened with People Soft and Oracle...) but what is becoming something of a force is data warehousing.
With data warehousing, you know have the ability to store all this... crap... and use it like recycled... crap... that basically is the stuff that grows your company.
DSS, ESS, KBS... heck even the low end systems can benefit from the linking of social networking and data warehousing. A story I read just recently basically uses a social network to help firefighters find situations that can put people in harms way as well as save themselves. They basically created a social network of inputting information into a system about the stories of what happened during calls that every firefighter has when on duty.
yet no one has done this for
job search.
Everybody looks for jobs, has a job, wants a job, is either employed, under employed, over employed, fired, laid off, self employed.. and so on. Simply fired and Simply Hired web sites do something of what I speak to, but not totally.
Having RSS feeds of your job search is a great thing and can be better that those job search bots at some point, but adding social networking to the formula will increase the returns.
I am going to continue to develop this ultimate workplace website until I find one that does the trick. I also hope by developing this site and talking about it that maybe someone else will do it before me.
Here is what I want as a total environment for Knowledge Net Online.
Combine this systems:
Blog Navigator (and its features PLUS toolbar usability much like what Yahoo toolbar has)
RSS feed job search
Friends feature for RSS feeds (including job feeds), blog posts, saved links, picked links, major interaction (Like forums posts and comment posts on blogs)
Job Bots
Resume Builder
Portfolio Builder (for graphic artists, web developers, technology pros who want to show their metal)
Yahoo like Toolbar for all web browsers
Desktop Gadget that interacts with Blog Navigator
Universal Message Board (like what Stardock has) that keys into blogs, news stories and normal forum posts
IM services
Blogging services ( something similar to Joe User)
Specific News: Tech, Business, Money Management, Housing (other news can be pulled from Blog Navigator, shown on your blog or your online news feed aggregator)
Link sharing like Delious but with the ability to be like Digg (you can have your own private folder, with sub folders, but you can also submit the link to the news front page. If their is a duplicate, then don't post it but you still have your source).
Save the web page online and share with the community, your own group or just yourself (like Yahoo)
IM Service
eMail Sharing (I have yet to find any service that does this to the level I want)
Robust selection of features you want or don't want (cause it allot)
Soclail Calendars (for events, employment info
Maps (like Google and the mashup Housing Maps.com)
The closest thing to all of this is Yahoo. Yahoo has Hot Jobs, the my.yahoo page with sub pages, My Web 2.0 beta, Yahoo 360, classifieds, news on specific job, business, workplace issues and money related topics, Konfabulator widgets, email, IM, web page building, link sharing, and resume builder, job bots, housing search...
But no tool like blog navigator, no real friends feature, no email sharing, no social calendars (unless I just didn't see it), no maps like Google (obviously), no message board forum specifically made for this...
... all of that and in the end Yahoo doesn't combine those services well. My.Yahoo should do the trick in some ways and maybe it can in the future, but right now it just doesn't.
Yahoo is coming out with its API network so maybe someone innovative enough (and tech savvy enough) can put it all together, it would be a worthy treat.
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